Happy employees contribute to satisfied customers. With a strong workforce possessing diverse knowledge and experience, we can deliver exceptional service to our customers.
Sjóvá strives to be a desirable workplace that attracts ambitious and qualified employees, offering them opportunities to grow and develop in their careers.
Our headquarters are located at Kringlan 5 in Reykjavík, and we operate a total of fourteen branches as well as agency and service offices across the country.
Around 200 people work for the company, and we are committed to ensuring that our services are accessible to everyone, whether businesses or individuals.
Hjá Sjóvá starfar sterkur og skemmtilegur hópur fólks sem kappkostar að veita viðskiptavinum afburðaþjónustu.
Nýleg könnun leiðir í ljós að starfsánægja hjá okkur er með því mesta sem mælist hérlendis, og svo er líka geggjað mötuneyti (já, það skiptir máli).
We place great emphasis on good corporate governance and fully adhere to the rules and regulations outlined in the laws governing our operations.
Further information about our governance practices can be found in our Annual and Sustainability Report.
Sjóvá has been recognized as a leading company in good corporate governance and has been awarded the title of “Model Company in Good Corporate Governance.”