Secure File Transfer

Signet Transfer

Here, you can send us sensitive documents through a secure data portal. Sensitive documents refer to those containing personal information, such as medical letters, certificates, applications, and more. To use this method, you need to have valid electronic identification on your phone.

When logging in for the first time, you need to enter your phone number and email address and then click on Upload File and “Móttökuhópar” in the menu. If you have previously logged in, you are taken directly to the Reception Portal (Móttökuhópar), where you can submit the document.

Under Recipients, you must select which company should receive the file, choosing “Sjóvá-Almennar tryggingar hf.” Next, you need to select the appropriate reception group for your document. The group “Skjalamóttaka Sjóvá” accepts all documents except those related to real estate agents’ access to fire insurance inquiries.