Legal Disclaimer of Sjóvá’s Website

This website is owned and operated by Sjóvá-Almennar tryggingar hf. (hereinafter referred to as “Sjóvá”), ID no. 650909-1270, Kringlan 5, 103 Reykjavík. By using this website, the user agrees to the following terms and conditions.

Some of the content on the website is based on AI assisted translation of an original text in Icelandic. In case of any discrepancy between English and Icelandic the Icelandic version shall apply

1. General

The website is primarily intended to provide general information about Sjóvá’s products and services. Although Sjóvá strives to present accurate and up-to-date information, this cannot be guaranteed in all cases. Users are therefore advised to contact Sjóvá’s staff if they have any suggestions for improvements.

2. Limitation of Liability

No information on the website constitutes a binding offer on behalf of Sjóvá unless otherwise explicitly stated. Sjóvá’s insurance policies and other services are subject to risk assessment and specific terms that depend on each individual. Users are therefore advised to contact the appropriate staff for further information or offers.

3. Financial Information

Information about Sjóvá’s financial status, intended for investors or shareholders, is provided for informational purposes only and without liability for its accuracy. To rely on such information, it is recommended to review Sjóvá’s official announcements to the Nasdaq Iceland Stock Exchange.

4. Copyright and Republishing

Unless otherwise stated, all information on the website is the property of Sjóvá. Republishing content, whether in part or in full, is prohibited without prior written consent from Sjóvá. Violations may result in legal consequences in accordance with copyright laws.

5. Privacy

In certain areas of the website, users may provide personal information. This information is processed in accordance with the Act on Data Protection and the Processing of Personal Data No. 90/2018. The information is used solely for lawful purposes, and users may request a copy of their personal data from Sjóvá. Contact Sjóvá staff to exercise this right.

6. Links to External Websites

The website may contain links to external websites. Sjóvá is not responsible for the functionality of these links or the content of the websites they refer to.

7. Jurisdiction and Scope

This website and its use are governed exclusively by Icelandic law and Icelandic courts.