Trygging sem mætir aukakostnaði við óvænt tjón

Auka­kostnaðar­trygging vegna raf­einda­tækja

Tryggingin er seld samhliða rafeindatækjatryggingu og þarf tjón að vera bótaskylt samkvæmt skilmálum hennar, ef svo er þá er aukakostnaður sem fyrirtækið þarf að leggja í greiddur.

Áður en tryggingin er gefin út þarf tryggingartaki í samvinnu við Sjóvá að áætla þann aukakostnað sem getur fallið til komi til tjóns.

Information regarding the insurance

What type of insurance is this?

Extra expence insurance for electronic appliances covers the unavoidable additional costs that result from compensable damages covered by electronic appliance insurance.

Download terms
What is cov­ered?
What is not cov­ered?
The insurance pays benefits for:The insurance does not cover:

Costs incurred due to contracted services or additional salary payments following suspension of operations due to breakdowns of electronic devices.

Damage caused by excessive stress on equipment or by not using it as intended or its design allows.

Any limitations on what the insurance covers?

  • The insurance does not cover damages due to insufficient care or maintenance if it is the fault of employees in positions of responsibility with the insured party.

Where is the insurance valid?

  • The insurance is valid in the location specified in the insurance policy.

What responsibilities do I have?

  • You must report any damage as soon as possible and no later than one year from the date of the damage.

  • You must ensure that all the information in the insurance policy is accurate.

  • You must inform us of any changes in your address, telephone number, and email address.

  • You must follow all the precautions in the terms of the insurance policy, e.g, that computer equipment is kept in good order and that the seller‘s rules and operating instructions are followed.

When and how do I pay the premium?

The premium must be paid on the due date. When the insurance policy is issued or renewed an electronic claim is created in your online bank. You have the option to distribute the premium payments by:

  • Credit card payment, where the premium is charged monthly to a credit or debit card.

  • Direct payment, where your bank account is debited monthly.

  • Corporate distribution, where the premium can be paid in monthly payments.

When does the insurance start and when does it end?

  • The insurance policy takes effect when an offer is accepted and is renewed annually until it is canceled.

How do I cancel the insurance?

  • Individuals and companies with fewer than five full-time positions can cancel the insurance at any time and it will expire at the end of the following month after the cancellation is received. Other companies can cancel their insurance one month in advance before the end of the insurance period.

  • The cancellation must be in writing, for example with an electronic signature.