Ef þú ert að byrja að búa eða að minnka við þig gæti Fjölskylduvernd 1 verið heimilistryggingin fyrir þig. Hún er einföld og ódýr og innifelur góða innbús- og ábyrgðartryggingu.

Fjölskylduvernd 1 er ekki eins víðtæk og aðrar heimilistryggingar okkar og innifelur ekki slysatryggingu í frítíma eða ferðatryggingar. Það er þó hægt að bæta þeim við fyrir þau sem vilja. Ef þú vilt bæta báðum þessum tryggingum við mælum við þó með að þú kaupir frekar Fjölskylduvernd 2.

Information regarding the insurance

What type of insurance is this?

Family Protection 1 is a combined which includes home contents insurance and liability insurance. You can also add comprehensive contents insurance and leisure time accident insurance.

Download terms
What is cov­ered?
What is not cov­ered?
Home contents insurance covers damages:Home contents insurance does not cover damages:

Caused by fire.

Caused by fire, if what is damaged is part of, the property itself, for example, doors, fixtures, and floors.

Caused by water leaking from pipes in the building.

Caused by theft from an apartment left unlocked and empty.

Caused by burglary, robbery, or theft.

Caused by water being pushed out of sewer pipes unless it is caused by broken or clogged pipes inside the home.

If food in refrigerators or freezers is damaged due to malfunction or power outage.

Liability insurance covers:Liability insurance does not cover:

Damages you may be legally required to pay.

Liability arising from your work.

Costs you have to pay for damage caused by your children younger than 10, even though they are not legally liable due to their age.

Damages to items you have rented or borrowed.

Comprehensive contents insurance (optional) covers damages:Comprehensive contents insurance does not cover damage:

Caused by sudden, external events.

Caused by production- or appearance defects

Leisure accident insurance (optional) covers costs from:Leisure accident insurance does not cover costs from:

Accidents in your leisure time.

Accidents that happen while mountain climbing or diving.

Accidents that happen while competing in sports where the public can participate without any minimum requirements of competence or skill.

Accidents that happen at work or while traveling between workplace and home.

Any limitations on what the insurance covers?

  • The insurance policy does not cover damages caused by natural disasters or damages caused by war, terrorism, pollution, or other similar events.

Where is the insurance valid?

  • Home contents insurance is valid in your home which is listed on the insurance policy.

  • Liability insurance is valid in Iceland and while traveling abroad for up to three months.

  • Leisure accident insurance and hospitalization insurance are valid anywhere in the world.

What responsibilities do I have?

  • You must report damages as soon as possible and no later than one year from the date of the damage.

  • You must ensure that all the information on the insurance policy is accurate.

  • You must inform us of any changes to your home address, phone number, and email address.

  • You are required to follow the precautions in the insurance policy terms, such as making sure that doors, windows, and other openings into the insured area are securely locked and the keys stored in such a way that unauthorized individuals can not access them

When and how do I pay the premium?

The premium must be paid on the due date. When the insurance policy is issued or renewed an electronic claim is created in your online bank. You have the option to distribute the premium payments by:

  • Credit card payment, where the premium is charged monthly to a credit or debit card.

  • Direct payment, where your bank account is debited monthly.

When does the insurance start and when does it end?

  • The insurance policy takes effect when an offer is accepted and is renewed annually until it is canceled.

How do I cancel the insurance?

  • Individuals and companies with fewer than five full-time positions may cancel their insurance at any time and it will expire at the end of the following month after the cancellation is received. Other companies can cancel their insurance one month in advance before the end of the insurance period.

  • The cancellation must be in writing, for example with an electronic signature.